
Cambodia Securities Plc and Global Titan Stone Real Estate Development Co., Ltd donate mask and alcohol to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia to contribute against Covid-19

Cambodia Securities PLC


(Phnom Penh) In view of the impact of the new crown pneumonia in recent years, which has caused chaos in life, threats to life, and damage to economic development, Cambodia is also difficult to stay out of it. Thanks to the wise leadership of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the people’s compliance with the “Three Nos and Three Preventions” and other efforts, the epidemic in Cambodia has been well controlled, and the vaccination rate of the people is also quite high. In the international community, Cambodia’s epidemic control achievements , is still quite excellent.

Recently, the government has taken into account economic development and adopted strict screening methods in advance to implement quarantine-free entry. This measure of taking into account both security and development has received extensive support and encouragement from the society, which will allow the economy to breathe and develop.

Cambodia Securities Plc is represented by Ms. Buth Kerady, with Global Titan Stone Real Estate Development Co., Ltd under the Titan Stone Group, represented by Mr. Deng Zhenyue (Darren Teng), as Cambodian As a part of the society, the company, in line with corporate social responsibility and responding to the efforts of the government, hopes to donate the following materials through His Excellency Su Sojie, director of the Cambodia Securities Industry Regulatory Authority , so that more capable enterprises and individuals in the society can also overcome the difficulties and participate in the grand event together, for the country, for the society, and for you and me to work together to help the government while maintaining the health of the Chinese people. An early recovery of economic prosperity shows the solidarity of all parties in the country. We are convinced that, under the effective leadership of the government, the solidarity shown by all walks of life will be the foundation of Cambodia’s greatest development and the source of strength to jointly create national prosperity, economic growth and people’s well-being.
